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COMPANY PROFILE - GROUP 3 Opening Assalamualaikum wr wb. I'm Elvina Paramesti from group 3 would like to present our company profile. Before we start, we would like to thank Mr. Zalzulifa for allowing us to present our company profile. Next, we will start this presentation. Background Cakrawala Publisher's goal is to become both a venue for publishing high-quality local works and a financial endeavor. Cakrawala Publisher is a local publisher that is actively looking for well-known authors. As a result, Cakrawala Publishers' research "Lika-liku Hidup di Ibu Kota" is crucial. Our Team Cakrawala Publisher team consists of Elvina Paramesti, Hayga Saydina Qolby, and Putri Nur Syahbrina Vision Become the primary partner for all parties interested in expanding and increasing the quality of Indonesia's human resources so that it can compete with industrialized nations across the world, particularly in science mastery. Mision -Provide solutions to everyone who is hav...